The project, funded for 3.7 millions of euros by the European Union and CSO Italy and dedicated to China, Japan and Taiwan, has achieved important results in its first year of activity.
Despite the moment complicated by Covid-19 consequences, The European Art of Taste: Italian Fruit & Veg Masterpieces continues its activities to promote Italian fruit and vegetables, fresh and processed, in China, Japan and Taiwan. The project, funded by European Union and CSO Italy, is supported by the most important companies in Italy as Origine Group, Oranfrizer, RK Growers, Mazzoni Group, Kingfruit, Joinfruit, Jingold and Conserve Italia.
In its first year, the project has focused in the promotion and diffusion of the values and the quality of Italian kiwifruit, red oranges and processed fruit and vegetables, achieving more than 600 millions of contacts reached for 2019.
Those numbers are the result of an important work of communication, who has involved journalists, KOL (Key Opinion Leaders), consumers and fruit and vegetables professionals. The press office work and the mailing list efficacy, with more than 4000 press contacts, has permitted the publication of 800 articles in China with 500 millions of estimated contacts (as detected by Cision/Alexa), 20 in Japan and 14 in Taiwan. Consumers and influencers have been involved via social medias (Weibo and Wechat) reaching more than 1 million of user. Good results have been reached also by the official websites ( and
Journalists and professionals have been also invited in Italy for a series of press tours in September, November and January, during the harvest campaign of tomatoes, kiwifruits and red oranges to have a direct experience of the cultivation and production of Italian fruit and vegetables.
The project has involved the buyers with the participation to 4 trade fairs where have been organised b2b meetings in addition to more than 2300 instore activities with 750.000 estimated contacts.
The Covid-19 emergency, however, has reduced the number of events during December and January, the harvest period of kiwifruit and red oranges, but the encouraging results of the first year has established the base for productive collaborations for the future.